Who Says You Can't Wear Silk Everyday?

Who Says You Can't Wear Silk Everyday? Check out our collection of colorful silk & canvas handbags with pretty embroidery at very reasonable prices for use everyday for work & play. These penny-pinching times do NOT necessarily mean you have to look dowdy! The economic news are depressing enough. Link to our store! 


LORELEI, in pink silk

LORELEI, for when you feel like channeling Lorelei Lee in  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

Mr. Esmond Sr: Young lady, you don't fool me one bit. Lorelei:  I'm not trying to. But I bet I could. 

Mr. Esmond Sr: You expect me to believe that you aren't marrying him for his money? Lorelei:  It's true. Mr. Esmond Sr:  Then why do you want to marry him? Lorelei:  I want to marry him for YOUR money. 

Lorelei:  Don't you know that a rich man is like a pretty girl? You don't marry her just because she's pretty. But, my goodness, doesn't it help? Would you want your daughter to marry a poor man? You'd want her to have the most wonderful things in the world. Why is it wrong for me to want those things? Mr. Esmond Sr:  Well, I concede that. Say, they told me you were stupid. You don't sound stupid. Lorelei:  I can be smart when it's important.